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Applied Learning

To facilitate mastery of each subject, our classes utilize Applied Learning (AL) as an integral component of the curriculum. Through field trips, and hands-on projects, our courses are designed to take learning beyond a book and apply it to the world. This approach covers from performing dissections in biology to building ukuleles in music theory to performing Shakespeare in English to snorkeling in the ocean in Oceanography. 

Project Based Learning

There are many misconceptions about Project Based Learning. Essentially, it is when the learning outcomes for a student are achieved through the execution of a well-designed project. Project Based Learning combines applied learning alongside enquiry-based learning to answer major questions in any subject area. Project Based Learning allows for deeper understanding of subject matter while also encouraging students to create meaningful produtcs. Project Based Learning opnes the door to meaningful learning goals, interdisciplinary collaboration, student voice, differntiated learning, critique, revision, and publicly exhibited final projects.

Outdoor Education

At Pacific Academy we treat Encinitas like our educational playground. We believe that an essential part of learning happens outside of the classroom; a time for students to truly become engaged in their lessons.


Students complete "field work" in science to understand and classify plants and animals. In history class students explore museums and create trenches in the sand to better understand World War One trench warfare. In English, students immerse themselves in the outdoors to understand the perspective of famous authors and poets who found their inspiration in nature. They visit local libraries and bookstores to do research on known and unknown authors and discover new and interesting texts. Electives also bring students onto the beautiful beaches where they learn to surf, play lacrosse, practice yoga, snorkel in Oceanography class, and run on the beach!

Physical Education

The goal of the Pacific Academy Physical Education program is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to value and apply physical activity and its benefits for a lifetime. Through active participation in movement and sport, students will foster an appreciation for personal fitness and other social skills vital to becoming healthy, productive members of the community.

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